Wednesday, February 9, 2011

A lifeline

I read a post on Hopeful Parents that resonated with me. It was called Get in the pool and in it, the author likens a period of struggling to support her son to drowning.

"The Instinctive Drowning Response – what people do to avoid actual or perceived suffocation in the water. And it does not look like most people expect. There is very little splashing, no waving, and no yelling or calls for help of any kind."  How many times is that us as parents? People look at us and see the “together” image we are trying so hard to portray but they don't see that inside we are actually drowning.

The author talks about her own 'drowning,' when her body began to fail her. I asked her how she rescued herself, and she wrote this companion post: How I stopped from drowning. It's worth a read. Louise


tears in my eyes and a lump in my throat as I read this little bit you have written. thank you for sharing....... off to read what she had to say.