Last night Ben was afraid there was a monster under the bed. He wanted me to check. He’s had a lot of bad dreams. “Night dream” he signed last night, for 'nightmare.' We’ve been watching the Harry Potter series of movies so perhaps his imagination is full of three-headed dogs and ghosts who inhabit paintings.
Ben wants to play the guitar. I think a regular guitar would be much too heavy, but perhaps a ukelele?
His school sent home a list of vocabulary related to three books. I was able to find one of them at Chapter’s. I went to the online ASL video dictionary and learned the signs for the key words. We read the book and practised the signs. He doesn’t have the dexterity to do the precise signs, but he tries. Then I got him to pick five words out of the list and write a sentence about them. I’m hoping to start building his sign and written vocabulary this way.
When Ben was younger I got his siblings to attend sign-language summer camp with him. For a few years they were interested in sign, then they fell away from it; it annoyed them that they weren’t allowed to “talk” at camp. I hear about other families where everyone signs, but that isn't our family. I realize I have to start signing on a consistent basis with Ben.
Yesterday we had a Christmas party at his grandmother’s house. He signed to one of his older cousins that he wanted to play hide-and-seek. I guess he remembers playing that game years ago. He did participate in Twister (my body doesn’t twist anymore so I stayed upstairs).
Ben is going to be Santa in a Christmas presentation at school. I have to get him a red shirt.
He begrudgingly made a tuna melt this weekend from the recipes he brought home from school. At least now I know he likes processed cheese slices (a good way to get some protein into him).
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