Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Letting go on BBC 1 tonight

Our British viewers should check out this new documentary on BBC1 tonight at 10:35 p.m. GMT.

Letting go follows Rosa Monckton and her daughter Domineca as Domineca leaves school and takes her first steps into a more adult world. And as Domenica prepares for the challenges of independent life, Rosa meets three other young people with learning disabilities, and discovers how they are managing their transition to greater independence.

The filmmaker -- Rosa Monckton -- has already produced a powerful series of films about the challenges of raising children with disabilities called When love is not enough.

Hope one of our British readers can fill us in on the new documentary airing tonight!


CHANGE is a human rights organisation campaigning for the Human Rights of people with learning disabilities. We watched the film and were filled with dismay that the young man Richard had to leave his flat in fear and return to live with his parents because of the discrimination and bullying that he faced. This is a hate crime and should have been referred to the police as such. We provide training to professionals and have lots of resources that can help. www.change-people.co.uk

Hello CHANGE -- thank you so much for writing. We in Canada were not able to view the film -- I hope it becomes available to us at some point.

I'm saddened/angered to hear that one of the youth featured had to return to his parents' home because of bullying. I didn't know anything about the individual stories.

I hope our readers will check out your link. Thanks!
