Monday, January 31, 2011

Word wall

A few years ago Ben chose the colours black and orange for his room. We painted one of the walls with a 'chalkboard black' but never ended up using the chalk. I was thinking about making a word wall with bristol board, but then I remembered the ready black wall upstairs. Voila!



I love Ben's wall! This the perfect way for him to learn, as it not only visual, but will enable Ben to recall his surrounding while discovering something new. For, Ben has never lived within himself, but through those he loves and feels blessed to meet --this is how Ben was able to recall playing hide-and-seek with his cousin so many year ago. So, keep taking him out and coutinue writing his adventures on the wall. A little bit at a time is good. This will allow Ben to learn is his own time and way. For example, he could use the words on his wall to compose a sentence or two. Once, he begins doing this, he can claim and accept a wonderful gift from his mother: BLOOM. For, it has always been his. We are merely the safe-keepers standing gaurd at its gate.



I love that wall too. and Matt comments above so sweet.

What a great idea! A perfect learning aid for anyone who is visual learner. Easy to do and put anywhere in your house.

I love this idea! A chalkboard wall...very creative and functional.