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Views expressed in posts and resources listed do not signify endorsement by Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital.
The BLOOM blog welcomes comments from readers on issues that affect parents of children with disabilities. We moderate comments to ensure they’re on-topic and respectful. We don’t post comments that attack people or organizations.
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Copyright © Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital. 2014. All Rights Reserved.
Hi there! I'm Kim & I live in Cleveland, Ohio.
I am Bridget from Poca,WV
I love the way you think! This is why I shared my definition of "brilliance" with you. For, it was not only written for people or children with disabilities, but all of humanity. With this in mind, I am honoured to share another conviction gift, which will forever live in depths of my soul: "Without thinking and operating beyond the status quo, no one has truly done all they can."
Keep up the great work by uniting the planet one blog at a time, as the world is wholeheartedly a better place with you and Ben in it.
Yours truly,
Matt Kamaratakis
I'm Angela, and I live in Ringgold, Georgia. :)
Oh, I almost forgot!!! My name is Matt and I'm also from Toronto, Canada.
I'm Sherry I live in Richmond Hill, Ontario Canada, but currently vacationing in beautiful New Brunswick!
Thanks everyone for sharing your city! Hope to hear from lots more of you!
I see we have parents, a professional and an adult with a disability from Canada and the US. Very cool.
Matt -- thanks for your status quo thought and kind words.
Hello, my name is Lloyd and I live in beautiful downtown Sussex, New Brunswick, Canada.
I'm a regular reader who hardly leaves a comment but am thankful for all the hard work that you've put in in maintaining this blog.
Through your blog I see that there is so much more that can be done to support the special needs community in my country. I've also been inspired by some of your postings, and amazed at the lives of those who're on your blogs of interest.
I'm from Malaysia, on the opposite side of the world.
I'm Elizabeth from Columbia, SC.
I'm Meghan, mom to a gorgeous almost 3 year old with severe mixed spastic / athetoid quad CP, feeding tube reflux and all that. We are in Ithaca, NY. I don't comment much but I very much appreciate your blog!
Lloyd -- how are you enjoying your new home in New Brunswick? Does Eric like his new room? We miss seeing you guys in the halls here.
Thank you humbledmum for posting all the way from Malaysia. I hope we hear more about you and your son!
Hello Elizabeth -- How is Joshua doing?
And Meghan -- I saw the video clip of Oliver laughing at the snowboarder during the Olympics and it was priceless. Welcome!
I am Mindy from Maryland. My youngest lives with Citrullinemia, a Urea Cycle Disorder, and is developmentally delayed. He has a feeding tube, infusaport and a loving team of therapists!
our story is here:
Thank you for such a well-written, informative blog!
I am Becca and I live in Kendall Park, NJ, USA.
I blog (when I can) about our adventures with Autism and the GFCF diet at lessonsfrommylemons.blogspot.com.
Thank you for this site!
Welcome Mindy and Becca. I will check out your blogs and hope we get to hear more about your kids.
Hi Louise,
we're loving it here in the Maritimes. We miss bloorview, particularly as it's not easy to get Eric's therapies rolling as heavily as we would have liked, but it's also nice to have a bit of a break in the summer. we're in PEI now, at Jodi's parents cottage in Cavvendish, which is beautiful.
Eric is settling in ok, although at times he finds all the change a bit stressful. A mother of another kid his age who will be starting Kindergarten at the same time as him has suggested we get a bunch of the kids together to meet Eric before school starts which will be helpful.
I hope things are well for you and your family, and our whole Bloorview family!
take care,
PS - I scrapped the never-updated blog you used to ask about, and today started a new one: http://nbdad.blogspot.com
Hi Lloyd -- Thanks for the update. I'm so glad you're enjoying your new home and proximity to PEI. I think the idea of getting together with Eric's new classmates before kindergarten sounds awesome. Keep us posted.
Do you find people in the Maritimes respond to disability any differently than in Ontario?
And of course I'm going to check out your new blog. Say hi to everyone!
It's hard for me to say whether people look at disability here any differently than they do there. We moved to a town of just under 5,000 people, where I grew up and were Jodi was born and our families are almost entirely here. We see so many friends and family every day, people who love Eric because he is Eric, that the way they treat Eric probably skews the study!
I will report more on this question when we have settled in a bit more and are exploring the area more, rather than just visiting with friends and family.
Hi, I am Carolina. I am from Argentina, but now we are living in Halifax, NS. We have 2 boys and one 5 1/2 years old girl who has DS.
I agree so much with the article about potty trainning and the "lesson" it is for us parents... I have been potty trainning my daughter for the last 3 years and I simply don't know what else "I" can do.
Specially when staff from her preschool refuse to change her...I was crying for more that 3 weeks...then I took her out of that program and decide to keep her at home, in where with unconditional love we all keep trying.
Hi Carolina -- Thanks so much for posting! How did you come from Argentina to Nova Scotia? I'd love to hear more about your daughter. I'm glad you enjoyed the post from Amy Julia.
I'm sorry to hear about the horrible experience you had at preschool. We had a bad experience in JK when my son's school (which was for kids with disabilities) refused to have someone take him to the washroom every 2 hours when he was toilet-training. They would rather keep him in diapers and not make the effort.
Please e-mail me so I can put you on our e-newsletter list. If you include your snail-mail address, I can make sure you receive our print magazine. Welcome and look forward to hearing more from you!
A little delayed but my name is Amanda and I live in Ottawa Canada
I have minor cereberal Palsy and ADHD as well as a learning disability
I am also in my final year at College to become a Developmental Services Worker (so working with individuals with disabilities) so I love your blog as I get a parent's veiw and sometimes even resources for me to use
Hi Amanda -- thanks for writing! If you'd like to receive our print issue, please message me your snail mail address at:
I'm glad you find BLOOM helpful. It will be exciting to hear about the work you move into when you graduate!
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