Friday, August 31, 2018

In Baby and Me, parents craft a lullaby for hospitalized infant

By Louise KinrossWhen a child is born premature or with serious medical problems, parents’ plans go out the window. Instead of getting to know each other in the relaxed and quiet safety of their home, parents sit at a hospital crib, unsure of how to interact with the newborn beneath the wires and noisy equipment. While their baby is in intensive care or rehab, parents may miss some of the most basic bonding experiences.For example, a mother attending...

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Sharing work 'wounds' helps nurses prioritize their own self-care

By Louise KinrossA six week narrative group for inpatient nurses at Holland Bloorview increased nurses' empathy for their own emotional reactions to working with children after painful bone surgeries or life changing trauma, and their families, according to a study published in The Journal of Pediatric Nursing last month. BLOOM reported earlier on how the narrative training increased empathy for patients and families and...

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

When Bay Luu isn't caring for her grandson, she's exercising

By Louise Kinross On Friday I looked out my window at Holland Bloorview and saw Bay Luu, 73, pushing her grandson Nicholas, 17, in a wheelchair. A little later I glanced out and Bay was on her own, doing an aerobic step routine on the basketball court—minus the step. After that she did yoga poses and stretches, including sitting on the tarmac with her legs stretched out like a ballerina, and her head, chest and arms touching the ground. Bay...

Monday, August 27, 2018

See what a world without stigma looks like

By Louise KinrossCheck out part two of Holland Bloorview's Dear Everybody campaign, which launches today. Last year, an open letter from children with disabilities and their families pushed readers to confront their own biases about disability and human value. This year, the hospital's youth took control of how they appear in the ads, encouraging Canadian to rethink their perceptions of disability. Check out our new TV...

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Storytelling bonds nurses in ways that improve care

By Louise KinrossA six week narrative group for inpatient nurses at Holland Bloorview increased nurses' empathy for each other by unmasking their common vulnerability, according to a study published in The Journal of Pediatric Nursing last month. BLOOM reported earlier on how the narrative training increased empathy for patients and families. This piece looks at how the six, 90-minute sessions of writing, drawing and talking about their emotional...

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

'Emotionally, it's a lot to see sometimes:' Rehab nurse

By Louise KinrossMichael Maschmann is a registered practical nurse at Holland Bloorview who works with children who are hospitalized following painful bone surgeries or life-changing trauma. He came to the hospital a year ago as a Seneca College student, and was hired full-time in February. He’s recently received a number of Spotlight awards from families, like this one that starts: “Michael is a very gentle, caring nurse.” We talked about how...

Friday, August 17, 2018

After deep brain stimulation, 'I can't be happier'

By Louise KinrossWe recently heard from former Bloorview School student Osmond Shen, who wanted to share his experience with deep brain stimulation to treat involuntary movements caused by cerebral palsy. "It's made a huge difference in my body," says Osmond, 20, who enjoys playing Nintendo switch games with his brother Edmond, studying with a tutor, and online shopping. Deep brain stimulation is a surgery where thin wires called electrodes...

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Telling clinician and patient stories increases empathy in nurses

By Louise Kinross  A six-week narrative group for inpatient nurses at Holland Bloorview promoted greater empathy for patients and families, for each other, and for the nurses themselves, according to a study published in The Journal of Pediatric Nursing last month. I was a facilitator on this project, which was led by Keith Adamson, then collaborative practice leader at Holland Bloorview. The other facilitators were Andrea...

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

New takes on disability and adaptation

By Louise KinrossThere are so many wonderful media stories on new ways of thinking about disability and adaptation at the moment.Let's start with this interview with A. Laura Brody in VoyageLA. Laura is a costume maker and designer who "[re-imagines] wheelchairs, walkers, and mobility scooters as works of art," she says. "My interest in mobility devices came from dealing with a former boyfriend's stroke. I was fascinated by wheelchairs, walkers,...