Friday, September 30, 2016

I can't catch up

A month ago I decided I couldn’t keep adding things to my to-do list. I wanted to spend more time with my son learning and modelling how to use his Speak For Yourself app, as well as adding content and purchasing a mini iPad as a dedicated device.At the same time, I was in the process of hiring a new support worker; trying to get my son an opportunity to work with animals on a farm; organizing personal training and physio to help...

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Disability in verse

We shared a poem by 16-year-old inpatient Maddy Workman (left) a few weeks ago. She'd spent five months at Holland Bloorview doing rehab following two hip surgeries and faces another one in the new year.  It turns out Maddy's mom Danielle (right) is also a poet. "I wrote this about a year ago, to bring awareness to the fact that so many, including parents, have skewed perceptions of people with different abilities," Danielle...

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Make work? Families still face too much of it

By Louise Kinross A couple of weeks ago a story with this headline appeared in The Toronto Star: Easier path to cash for adults, kids with disabilities.It kind of gives one the image of a limitless pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, doesn’t it? The story is about how people apply for Special Services at Home funding and the Ontario Disability Support Program—and cumbersome red tape that made them prove their disability again and again.SSAH...

Monday, September 26, 2016

'Advocacy is draining:' A reader responds

A couple of weeks ago we launched the latest in our A Family Like Mine video series: 'The children that we have... they're just as human'. Terri Hart-Ellis, (above left), mom to Addie (right), who's in Grade 7 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, posted this fabulous response. Thank you Terri! She speaks truth. She admits for me something I don't often admit to myself. And sure as hell not to anyone else. I fear it smacks of complaint, that it might...

Friday, September 23, 2016

In Paul's class, 'a friend is a friend, regardless of... abilities'

By Louise Kinross Paul Alcamo is a veteran at Holland Bloorview. He joined the hospital in 1987 as a recreation therapist and later became a teacher in our school. Almost 20 years ago he helped found our reverse-integration kindergarten, which invites able-bodied children to attend our school for children with disabilities. The two-year program is a partnership between Holland Bloorview and the Dr. Eric Jackman Institute of Child Study at the...

Thursday, September 22, 2016

In Brazil, a 'disabled chick' draws about stigma, love

On her blog, Vanessa Krubniki tags this comic under "love," writing: "...I have worried myself sick about how I am supposed to convince someone to date a disabled chick who can't even tell a joke. You might think that there are people out there who enjoy a darker approach to things and I supposed that is true, but the fact is, everyone likes fun people. And I, I have too much real life in me, too much blood under my fingernails." By Megan Jones When...

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Disabled teen plays lead role without speaking? Hello 'Speechless'

By Louise Kinross On Sunday, New York Times TV critic Neil Genzlinger wrote about "Speechless," a new ABC family comedy set to air tomorrow. The series created a buzz in the disability community because 16-year-old JJ DiMeo, one of the main characters, has cerebral palsy and doesn't speak.  Genzlinger tells us that he understands this world personally because his daughter, who has Rett syndrome, is non-verbal.  In fact, Genzlinger says...

Thursday, September 15, 2016

When medicine doesn't go according to plan

'In the first couple of months of being at Bloorview I really had hope…that I would get my life back…As I was there longer I started to realize that the changes in my body aren’t easily fixable.' Maddy Workman, above right, studying chemistry in the Bloorview School. By Louise KinrossMaddy Workman, 16, has spent five months at Holland Bloorview after a hip surgery that wasn't successful. She’s since had a second...

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Why do special-needs parents never feel 'good enough?'

By Louise Kinross Yesterday Boston-based author Susan Senator posted a piece about the chronic inadequacy that can trouble parents raising children with disabilities. In If I Were A Good Mother she details a long list of all of the things she could do, or could have done, to improve her son Nat's life (Susan has written for BLOOM and is the author of three books about parenting children with autism). I'm sure if we randomly...

Thursday, September 8, 2016

'The children that we have ... they're just as human'

I am so excited to introduce you to Samadhi Mora-Severino, an extraordinary mother, student and advocate for people with disabilities. Samadhi is mom to Ethan, 6, and Kian, 4, who has cerebral palsy. Her family is the focus of our new A Family Like Mine video and one you won't quickly forget! A Family Like Mine is a video series about diverse families raising children with disabilities produced by BLOOM, Holland Bloorview's parenting blog. Check out the five videos on our playlist. They are closed-captione...

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

What are your fave disability blogs and websites?

What are your favourite blogs and websites on parenting, disability and health? Please post in the comments your "go-to" sites! We want to update BLOOM's very outdated Blogs of Interest, and expand it to include web sites. Many of you told us your favourites in last summer's BLOOM survey, and we will include these. But we'd love to get suggestions from a much broader audience. They can be Canadian or international. 1, 2, 3, post your names...

Thursday, September 1, 2016

'Merrywood' sparked my passion to work in rehab

By Meaghan Walker People who say Disney World is the most magical place on earth have clearly never been to Merrywood Easter Seals camp.Merrywood looks like any other summer camp—with sailboats, canoes, kayaks, arts, music and drama, a dining hall, and cabins. But a few simple changes transform this beautiful plot of land in Perth, Ont. into an accessible summer camp for children and youth with physical disabilities.For example, the canoes...