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Monday, February 22, 2016

Coping while captured (in hospital!)

Jadine Baldwin is a 15-year-old student who's been hospitalized at Holland Bloorview since she had surgery to straighten her spine back in November.  

Jadine has written this acrostic poem to share tips with other youth who may be scheduled to come to Holland Bloorview for rehab. An acrostic poem uses the letters in a word to begin each line of the poem. Enjoy!   

Coping while captured (in hospital!)

By Jadine Baldwin

Come into the hospital with a smile.
Open up to other people who are having the same difficulties as you are.
Practise breathing when you are in pain.
Introduce yourself to one new person everyday.
Nothing is better than home-cooked meals (get parents to bring in some).
Get involved in recreation activities!

atch your favourite movies to pass time.
Have friends and family visit you.
Invest in lots and lots of your favourite snacks.
Listen to some good music.
Encouragement is key.

Catch up on local news.
Advocate for yourself and others.
Physio has to happen, whether you like it or not.
Take pictures and make memories.
Use your time here. Even if temporary… make the best of it.
Read books.
Explore your hidden talents.
Dream BIG!